PermaLearn is the vehicle through which most of our programs are taught, as such, regardless of which program you use, chances are, it will include PermaLearn.
"We first make our habits... then our habits make us!"
Mark Fournier (program creator)
Emmy Award-Winning Author/Speaker/Master Coach Author of the definitive book on 'Habits': Self-HELP Me! Change Your Habits; Change Your Life, Mark Fournier created this program as a solution to a problem he observed as an author, speaker, trainer, and as a lifelong-learner himself: "Rarely do books or seminars generate the degree of perminent transformation we were hoping for... it simply doesn't last." PermaLearn was developed over the course of 30 years... After years of passionate study, he realized that the only insights that truly made a difference in his life (and the life of others) were those which were consistently applied for an extended period of time. He further realized that the only ones which fit into that category were the insights he had converted into 'habits'.
And the same held true not only for 'insights', but all forms of wisdom and knowledge, as well as with character traits and both life and success skills. From that point on, he made it his life mission to 'master' the art of 'mastery' by learning (and sharing) all that could be known about the creation of 'habits'. Thus, PermaLearn was born. PermaLearn takes the best, most effective means of creating habits and combines them into a single process so anyone can 'master' anything! This astonishing program was created by Transformational Coach and Habit Master, Mark Fournier, in order to provide the 'missing link' in personal development and mastery. After discovering the crucial importance of creating successful habits, and seeing the difficulty in doing so, Mark set out to create the ultimate habit-forming system... something that would virtually GUARANTEE the formation of empowerful habits. So these 'habits' could then virtually guarantee success in any area you choose.
About PermaLearn
The Permalearn Mastery System creates immediate, measureable, PERMANENT results, using a cutting-edge process that converts 'desired changes' into permanent, continuous, HABITS, thus, becomming an automatic, ongoing
part of your thoughts and behaviors, while generating immediate, measurable results. "Now ANYONE can MASTER ANYTHING!"
We expose participants to a set of universal principles repeatedly, over an extended period of time, changing the message to keep it fresh, but repeating the principles, insights, and character traits, until they become second nature.
We provide carefully planned exercises and assignments that not only drive these messages in, but do so consistently, and for an extended period of time. Not only does this create habits and mastery, it also creates results, as the ‘assignments’ are applied directly to the participants goals and commitments. Converting every participant into a ‘teacher’ which is another proven way of achieving mastery and of creating more students and leaders. Every participant becomes a leader of the program, guiding others through the training and thus, further ensuring their own mastery. The time commitment for this activity is only 2 hours per week in total, and the benefits are immeasurable. A live support community: Every student is placed on a team of no more than 6 students with a team leader. They are then partnered up with each other as well as with their team leader. Weekly tele-conferences provide team members with the enormous and proven benefits derived from group support and gentle accountability. Live leadership and coaching: Every student is supported by a guide who meets with them every week over the phone 1-on-1 throughout the entire program. The 3 Keys to Having Almost Anything...
PermaLearn provides the 3rd Key! Most of us already know how to be successful (in any area of life). We KNOW it... but we don't DO it. And the reason why we don't do it is because it hasn't become a HABIT.
We call the process PermaLearn... If you're serious about taking control of your life, career, or future, then PermaLearn is exactly what you need!
Most of us have read at least one incredible development book, attended an amazing seminar or listened to a remarkable audio program... if not all three. Yet few can claim that doing so converted them into masters of the subject matter, or generated all the benefits that were possible. THAT is where PermaLearn comes in... This system converts results-generating wisdom, insights, principles and character traits into PERMANENT HABITS so you will consistently apply them forevermore. The only differences between you and the most successful leaders in your field are your HABITS! 'HABITS' are what keep you doing the things you need to do... again and again and again... until you succeed! |
PermaLearn IS Habit forming! (And that's a 'good' thing.) If you're serious about taking control of your life, career, or future, then PermaLearn is for you!
Most of us have read at least one incredible development book, attended an amazing seminar or listened to a remarkable audio program... if not all three. Yet few can claim that doing so converted them into masters of the subject matter, or generated all the benefits that were possible. THAT is where PermaLearn comes in... This system converts results-generating insights, principles and character traits into PERMANENT HABITS so you will consistently apply them forevermore. "Knowledge ISN'T Power... Only the 'consistent application' of knowledge creates true power."
~Mark Fournier PermaLearn can be rolled out in factors of '6' every 3 months or as quickly as once per month. This means that as quickly as ever month, those recieving the training can increase by a factor of 6. So if your first team includes six, you can increase by an additional 36 within a month, by an additional 216 by the second month, by 1,296 the third month, and so on.