Performax DETAILS
Good leaders minimize problems & catastrophies; GREAT leaders capitalize on them! Performax helps you do both!
When it comes to addressing dysfunction, or improving performance, most approaches treat organizations as if they were ‘machines’; if something breaks, they ‘repair or replace’ it… until it breaks again, and it usually does, because the miss-alignments and resulting stresses that caused it to break in the first place are still there. It's like pouring oil on a broken hinge or gear to stop if from squeaking. Just because you can no longer hear it, doesn't mean it's 'fixed'; eventually, that 'gear' will snap, and it will usually happen at the worst possible time.
WE at the Center for Empowerment view your organization as if it were an organism instead of a machine. And not just any organism, an 'athlete', with the potential of 'setting world records' in your 'event'. We view divisions as ‘vital organs’, and employees as the living ‘cells’ that make up and nourish these organs.
Performax was created so we could address your challenges and goals from the inside out, by ‘strengthening’ the individual ‘cells’, so they not only heal, but thrive, and thereby perform on a whole new level, as 'self-actualized human beings, brilliant problem solvers, and heroic leaders'. Healthy cells build healthy organs, which in turn, support healthy organisms, or in your case, empowered employees, create 'empowerful' organizations.
WE at the Center for Empowerment view your organization as if it were an organism instead of a machine. And not just any organism, an 'athlete', with the potential of 'setting world records' in your 'event'. We view divisions as ‘vital organs’, and employees as the living ‘cells’ that make up and nourish these organs.
Performax was created so we could address your challenges and goals from the inside out, by ‘strengthening’ the individual ‘cells’, so they not only heal, but thrive, and thereby perform on a whole new level, as 'self-actualized human beings, brilliant problem solvers, and heroic leaders'. Healthy cells build healthy organs, which in turn, support healthy organisms, or in your case, empowered employees, create 'empowerful' organizations.
"The #1 thing you need to be 'GREAT'... is an 'Empowered Workforce';
If you have 'empowered people', the problem of 'motivating and managing them' largely goes way."
~Jim Collins (Paraphrased from his bestselling book Good to Great )
If you have 'empowered people', the problem of 'motivating and managing them' largely goes way."
~Jim Collins (Paraphrased from his bestselling book Good to Great )
So how do we ‘empower’ these 'cells'? Answer: Just as we do your organization… from the inside out.
Medicine is now learning how to heal our body’s by going straight to our DNA, turning off harmful genes and turning on useful ones. We now know that some genes cause cancer, while others create immunity, some result in frail bodies, and others... in body’s capable of setting world records.
The same principle holds true when it comes to how employees perform, only instead of it being ‘genes’ that determine how well they perform, it is their ‘perceptions & programs’… (their ‘thoughts & habits’).
And just as with genes, it is possible to permanently turn off the 'thoughts and habits' that harm us, and permanently turn on the ones that ‘empower’ us. And this, is what Performax does; it creates highly effective organizations, and flourishing cultures, by helping employees convert a proven set of empowering insights, principles, and character traits, into self-actualizing, results-producing, HABITS.
These empowering insights, principles, and character traits produce a cacophony of benefits, ranging from heroic attitudes, solutions-focused teamwork, egoless leadership, astonishing problem-solving and communication skills, to improved relationships & customer service, increased job satisfaction, decreased attrition, and more.
Medicine is now learning how to heal our body’s by going straight to our DNA, turning off harmful genes and turning on useful ones. We now know that some genes cause cancer, while others create immunity, some result in frail bodies, and others... in body’s capable of setting world records.
The same principle holds true when it comes to how employees perform, only instead of it being ‘genes’ that determine how well they perform, it is their ‘perceptions & programs’… (their ‘thoughts & habits’).
And just as with genes, it is possible to permanently turn off the 'thoughts and habits' that harm us, and permanently turn on the ones that ‘empower’ us. And this, is what Performax does; it creates highly effective organizations, and flourishing cultures, by helping employees convert a proven set of empowering insights, principles, and character traits, into self-actualizing, results-producing, HABITS.
These empowering insights, principles, and character traits produce a cacophony of benefits, ranging from heroic attitudes, solutions-focused teamwork, egoless leadership, astonishing problem-solving and communication skills, to improved relationships & customer service, increased job satisfaction, decreased attrition, and more.
Step #1
Informal Discussions:
Step #2
Step #3
Introduction Seminar (1-hour):
Self-Assessment Workshop (2-8 hours):
Performax Assessment:
Step #4
Findings & Recommendations:
~PermaLearn Mastery System
~Raise the Bar
~ The Giving Game
~Mastermind Leadership Teams
~Mastermind Problem-Solving Teams
~Small Group Leadership Coaching
~One-on-One Executive Coaching
Informal Discussions:
- We first spend time getting to know and understand your needs, to see if there is a fit, or a chance to contribute. This frequently requires more than a single conversation, but yields important results.
Step #2
- Next, we discuss the general approach that will be taken.
- In keeping with our 'organic' metaphor, we need to decide whether you only want something to 'cure a flu' (the Basic program), or a chance to 'Win the Superbowl' (the Comprehensive program).
- This is typically a one-problem, one-division, or one-issue, 'fix'.
- This is usually an organization-wide, 'head-to-toe', thorough examination, and treatment of your entire operation, that brings about systemic improvement in both your performance and culture. Depending upon the size of your organization, it may roll out division-by-division instead of organization-wide all at once, however, in the end, the more divisions that are involved, the more dramatic the results.
Step #3
- Once it has been decided whether you will launch the Basic program, or the Comprehensive program, the rest usually follows suit (with the Basic approach simply being a smaller, more scaled down version of the Comprehensive approach).
Introduction Seminar (1-hour):
- We have had great success in gaining buy-in with employees before launching our programs, by kicking off Performax with our inspiring 'Quantum Leaps' seminar aimed at introducing employees to the process, while demonstrating what it can do for them (in both their career and personal lives).
- By providing examples of how this process will improve their lives, we typically gain significant, if not total buy-in amongst the staff.
- This seminar can be conducted on stage or via webinar.
- We then, usually go from the Introduction Seminar into the Assessment Workshop (on the same day):
Self-Assessment Workshop (2-8 hours):
- Before conducting an assessment of our own, it can be invaluable to first conduct a workshop that helps us identify what your staff and leaders believe the actual issues are, and what their goals are for the future of your organization. (In keeping with our 'organic' metaphor, the first thing a doctor would perform is a 'checkup', where the patient 'tells him where it hurts', describes their symptoms, and then shares their outcome goals.)
- This process provides a multitude of new insights. It's also cathartic for the staff, and allows them to see and feel they are being included in the creation of the final program. A program that incorporates their specific thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires will be far more deeply embraced, and consequently, more effective, than a 'generic system' that is forced upon them.
Performax Assessment:
- Once we complete the Assessment Workshop, we analyze the data collected, and come to conclusions regarding the current state of your organization, and the root cause of your challenges, as well as the goals, and preferences, of your staff, and finally, the ideal solution for addressing both the challenges, and the goals of your organization as a whole.
Step #4
Findings & Recommendations:
- Once the Assessment is complete, findings will be shared with you, along with a recommendation for addressing your issues and accomplishing your goals.
- Specific programs will then be recommended by Performax and thoroughly explained, until you have a deep understanding of how these solutions will successfully address each of your goals and challenges.
- Those in bold will have already been achieved, however, the options will include those remaining.
- Introduction Seminar
- Assessment Workshop
- Performax Assessment
- Findings & Recommendations
- Options:
~PermaLearn Mastery System
~Raise the Bar
~ The Giving Game
~Mastermind Leadership Teams
~Mastermind Problem-Solving Teams
~Small Group Leadership Coaching
~One-on-One Executive Coaching
See EXAMPLE of how programs are structured and what they cover:
Life Mastery 1
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desparation"
~Henry David Thoreau WHY you need it:
Research shows that when we lead lives that are inconsistent with our 'true nature' and potential, we are FAR less likely to be happy or fulfilled than those whose goals, activities, and lives are in alignment. Research also shows that most of our 'problems' can be resolved by 'altering our state of mind', but that very few individuals posses the knowledge and habits required for effectively and consistently doing so. Further studies have shown that the fastest and most effective means of 'significantly improving our lives' involves 'taking control of our thoughts and habits'. Life Mastery helps participants lead lives that are consistent with their 'true nature' and potential, by taking control of their thoughts, habits, and states of mind, and then putting this power into action. No more 'lives of quiet desperation'. No more living as 'Victims', and no more 'waiting' for your 'ship to come in'. WHAT it is:
Life Mastery™ is a leading-edge training program that converts a proven set of empowering principles, insights, and character traits, into 'heroic habits', so they will be put into action and continuously applied. This highly interactive program is available in four levels, each lasting 3 months. WHAT it does:
Life Mastery™ creates a foundation of empowering principles, character traits, and heroic habits, upon which a vital and flourishing life and career can be built. These traits & habits result in brilliant problem-solving skills, highly poactive, egoless leadership, priceless tools for performing at their best, and for prioritizing & managing challenges, as well as a process for tracking progress. Life Mastery creates greater appreciation, creative problem solving, leadership, and 'opportunity consciousness'. The Center for Empowerment helps create quantum leaps in ALL areas of life, career, and Performance. We achieve this fete by combining our proprietary 'habit-generating' process (the PeramLearn Mastery System), with a proven set of empowering insights, principles and character traits (taught through our comprehensive Life Mastery Series), and turning them into continuous, results-generating, permanent, habits. HOW it works:
More Benefits (what's in it for YOU)
More Features:
WHY it works
Our program works as a result of two simple principles:
- Life Mastery teaches a unique set of empowering principles, insights, and character traits that are proven to provide everything you need to thrive in all areas of your life and career.
- We employ the PermaLearn Mastery System. And PermaLearn works because it converts these principles, insights and character traits into self-actualizing, results-yeilding, HABITS... so you will consistently and continually apply them.
WHAT it costs:
The monthly fee for this program depends entirely on the number of participants involved. This is great news, as regardless of the initial cost, as your team grows, the cost continually gets lower and lower.
For the Life Mastery 1 syllabus and specific course information Click Here: